Beware of Phishing scams that are setup to steal your personal information.


Phishing is a type of fraud designed to steal your personal data (account numbers, passwords/PIN numbers, credit/debit card numbers, etc.) via communications that appear to come from trusted sources such as your bank or financial institution and request that YOU provide personal information they should already have.

One thing to remember with phishing attempts is that the email and/or phone numbers used are random selections, similar to spam emails or a list of all possible phone numbers, not your personal information. Rest assured, they ARE NOT getting inside firewalls and accessing actual account information. The only way phishing perpetrators can access your account(s) is by you providing them with sensitive account/access information.


Your financial institutions will NEVER ask you for your personal information because they already have everything they need so trust your instincts, or simply ask to contact them back with a trusted number you already have. Don’t ask them for a number to call back because they will most likely give you another fraudulent number.