Website Application

Welcome to Websites Sa

Please complete the following form to start your application process. 

You will recieve a email with a PDF document to sign and send to us with the following details.

Service Level Agreement Between


The Client is the owner of the domain name although the details will show The Service Providers details on the domain registration.

The Client is the responsible person for the website as the owner and account holder.

Any info (content) supplied by the client will be the client`s responsibility.

The Service Provider reserves the right to refuse transfer of domain if account is overdue.

The Website framework, software and settings remain the property of The Service Provider and is not transferable.

The Client owns the content, Artwork, pictures supplied by the client,


Month to Month.

No Pay No Service.

Prices are not fixed and may increase.

Packages will be automatically upgraded when limits has been reached.


Emails are backed up for maximum 7 days.

The Web Bug accepts no responsibility for any loss, Interceptions, scams or any

other damages done to Client via email.

Email is hosted entirely at the clients own risk.

The Service Provider suggest that the Client download and backup their own email regularly.

The Service Provider reserve the right to delete any harmful emails from your mailbox without notification.

Please keep all our communication emails as proof for your own records.

The Service Provider prefer all communication via email to be kept on record.


All designs, updates and any communication must be via email to our support desk.

The Client must inform The Service Provider with any updates and changes.

The Client must visit their own website regularly and notify The Service Provider of any

issues, changes or updates.


30 Days Written Notice to Terminate agreement required.

Domain transfer Fee may be charged if domain has to be transferred to another host.

Account will be suspended for 3 months thereafter automatically terminated without any backups,

NO BACKUPS will be kept after termination.


The Service Provider will not be held responsible for any loss or damages caused by anyreason whatsoever due to website content, email content or website availability on the internet.

The Service Provider does not advertise the website or promise any website ratings or ranking.

Hosting and maintaining the website on behalf of the client does not make The Service Provider responsible for the sales and or income of the client’s business.

Website Application Form

Domain Name Option


3 + 12 =

Application Process

Step 1 – Complete Application Form and Return

Step 2 – We check if your domain name is available Step 3 – We send you your Startup Invoice and you pay the full Invoice

Step 4 – We Register or Transfer your domain name.

Step 5 – You supply website Information, Pictures, Logo`s

Step 6 – We start building your website

Step 7 – You have a look at what we have done and make Suggestions & Changes

Step 8 – We Complete the website and Launch the site.

Step 9 – We monitor and test the site

Step 10 – You send us updates when required.

For Website or Email Support go to or mail